Teletalk Bangladesh Limited IPO

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is the only operator in Bangladesh (Owner: 100% Bangladesh Government) with 100% native technical and engineering human resource base. Teletalk has launched 3G for the first time in Bangladesh on 1
4 October 2012.

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited brand name "Teletalk" is a GSM based state-owned mobile phone company in Bangladesh. TeleTalk started operating on 29 December 2004. It is a Public Limited Company of Bangladesh Government, the state-owned telephone operator. TeleTalk provided GPRS and EDGE internet connectivity and from 14 October 2012 HSPA/HSDPA/3G which is the latest cellular information service . Teletalk is the first operator in the country that gave BTTB (now BTCL) incoming facility to its subscribers.
The mission statement of Teletalk is "Desher Taka Deshey Rakhun" ("Keep your Money in your Country")
Teletalk is the 6th mobile phone operator in Bangladesh with more than 1.897 million subscribers as of May 2013

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