In December 1971, after nine months of liberation war, Bangladesh emerged in the world map as a new independent state with the same geographical boundary of the then East Pakistan. Plunged into a state of total economic collapse following the war of liberation, vigorous activities were immediately started at all levels to rebuild the country. Certain national priorities were set by the then Govt. and significant changes were brought about in the management of development activities. A no. of Sector or Corporations were formed and each of them was entrusted with the operation and management of the units under it. In March 26, 1972 Govt. has formed “Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (BOGMC)” under the Presidential Executive Order.
After Arab Israil war in 1973 a serious energy crisis prevailed around the world. In this respect at that time a plan was taken for growth of a vibrant industrialization out side of the capital city. Bakhrabad Gas Systems Ltd. was formed as a part of that plan.
The port city of Chittagong is the commercial capital city of Bangladesh. Due to expansion of industry and commercial customers and as a fuel increasing the demand of natural gas Bangladesh government took the positive initiative to build separate gas Distribution Company for better management and efficient customer service for grater Chittagong region.
Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Ltd. (KGDCL) was formed in February 2010 as a joint Stock Company (Under the Company’s Act 1913) of the Government of Bangladesh, with a view to distributing natural gas to greater Chittagong. The authorized capital was Taka 30 million only, divided into 30000 shares of Taka 10.00 each. Ninety percent of the shares were subscribed by the then central Government of Pakistan and remaining ten percent by the Shell Oil Company.
The basic objective of the Company was to construct, own and operate natural gas distribution facilities in Chittagong & Chittagong Hill Tract districts with the right of purchasing, transmission, distribution, sales and disposal of natural gas.
Name of the Company | Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Ltd. |
Date of Registration | 8 February, 2010 |
Commencement of Business | July, 2010 |
Registered Office(Head Office) | 137/A, CDA Avenue, Sholashahar, Chittagong. |
Liaison Office | 13th floor, Petrocenter, 3, Kawran Bazer C/A, Dhaka-1215 |
Supervisory Organization | Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) |
Administrative Ministry | Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Division |
Appointment of MD | 18 March, 2010 |
Starting of operational activities | 19 April, 2010 |
Formation of Board of Directors | 29 April, 2010 |
Inauguration by the Honorable Prime Minister | 08 September, 2010 |
Authorized Capital | TK. 3,00,00,000,00.00 |
Paid Up Capital | Tk.700 |
Total number of Shares | 70 |
Franchise Area | Chittagong & Chittagong Hill Tract Area. |
First Board Meeting | 10/05/2010, 12/01/2010 (Formal director/Promotor director) |
First Annual General Meeting | 24 March, 2011 |
Present Manpower | Total-692 Officer-305 Staff-387 |
Total Number of Customer Connection | 3,69,703 (Industrial+Commercial+Residential) |
Total Sales during FY 2011-2012 | Tk. 1700.54 Crore |
Net Profit before tax during FY 2011-2012 | Tk. 648.95 Crore |
Total volume of gas consumed in KGDCL franchise area since inception to 30 June, 2012 | 4664 mmcm |