C & A Textiles Ltd (CATL) IPO Subscription Open: November 09 ' 2014 Subscription Close:November 13' 2014.
BSEC approved Tk 45crore IPO of C & A Textiles. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission(BSEC) on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 approved the initial public offering of C & A Textiles Ltd (CATL) Ltd to raise fund worth T5 crore tou issue 4.50 crore public shares at offer value at Tk 10/- (without any premium).
The decision was came out at a 528 regular meeting of
the commission which was presided by regulator
chairman Mr. Khairul Hossain. a press release from
BSEC said that C&A Textiles will float its 4.50 crore
ordinary shares at an issue price of Tk 10 each.
As per the company’s latest financial statement ended
on 31st December, 2013, the Earning Per Share (EPS)
of Tk 1.78/- and Net Asset Value (NAV) was Tk 18.38/-.
AFC Capital Limitedtd and Imperial Capital Ltd will acts
as the issue managers of the company’s IPO.
About the Company:
C & A Textiles Limited (CATL) was incorporated in Bangladesh as a Private Limited Company.CATL was
started commercial operation on February 7, 2003. The factory of CATL is located at BSCIC Industrial
Estate (Extn.), Kalurghat, Chittagong, Bangladesh.Application form for general public | |
Application form for affected small investors | |
Application form for NRB |
Nature of business of CATL: C & A Textiles Limited is a 100% Export oriented knit composite Textiles industries to carry out Business of Knitting, Dyeing, Printing and Manufacturing of various types of RMG such as T- Shirt, Polo Shirt, Tang Tops, Shorts, Sweet Shirt, Boxer, Skirts, Legging, Fleece Jacket Etc, and Export to the USA, Canada, Brasil, UK, Italy and Germany.
Address: House No-127 (2nd Floor), Road-10, Block-C, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. Telephone:+880-2-9862181 Fax:+880-2-9862181